
Posts Tagged ‘beerd’

3 Month Wrap-up

Wow, I neglected this site for 3 months.  Things have been pretty crazy.  New job, first of all.  And yes, they have been really cool about the beard.

After Greensboro I traveled to Philly and Ohio.  We also hosted the 2nd Annual Mid-Atlantic Beard & ‘Stache Championships.  This was a huge success.  I was honored to have come in 3rd out of quite a few people (50-ish?).

Ohio was a small competition but a lot of awesome people and the Brew Kettle is an AMAZING place to stop and drink.  It’s like Mekong and Buzz & Ned’s had a bastard child.  Oh, and I got 3rd in full beard natural <12″

June 1 I hit my yeard.  Yup, year-beard.


We already have the date set for the 3rd Annual Mid-Atlantic Beard & ‘Stache Championships.


From here, it is Nashville, Jersey, maybe NY, and Fredericksburg.



Taylor Gehring, aka Beardimus Maximus, is putting together an awesome competition in August to raise a QUARTER MILLION dollars for charity.  Note: almost all (grumble, nationals, cough, bastards) competitions raise money for charity, but 250k is insane.  Props to Taylor for being so passionate about this.  Definitely check out his blog and the event page for more info.

Next two months are gonna be crazy, but looking forward to the trips.  Beard on.